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  • Writer's pictureGS

Ford unveils the new 2021 Bronco and OJ isn't the spokesperson?!

YOO imagine if Ford bought the above picture and just titled it "Built Ford Tough" I would buy every stock I could. Hilarious.

Ford, what a missed opportunity. Tell me the marketing team couldn't create fucking MAGIC with OJ as the face of the new Ford Bronco?? I kid, I kid. But he single handedly put the Bronco on the map and probably also took it right off the map as well. Whatever that was, the white Ford Bronco will always hold it's place in history with the chase.

Let's get back on subject. Ford has finally released the long-awaited Ford Bronco for 2021 at about $30,000 for the vehicle. Now this is good news, because it puts the Detroit Big 3 back on the map and it creates some local competition between Chrylser, who is fighting the Bronco with their new lines of Jeep, and Ford who is coming out hitting with the Bronco. With the industry moving more and more towards silicon valley styled electric vehicles, the Detroit Manufacturers have been long overdue for some much needed innovation.

We think the Ford Bronco will lead to not only a small renaissance period up in Michigan, but also show that there is an alternative to Tesla and Toyota. For all those "only America made" consumers, I am sure there were a few strokes during your "private time" that was dedicated to the American ingenuity and perseverance. Jesus just writing that sentence made me want to shotgun a beer and hop on the back of a Bald Eagle. But fuck I digress, BBNM see's this as a great move in the market, which will lead to more competition, marketing, and yep, you fucking guessed it, innovation.

The Detroit Big 3 need a break, hopefully that comes from some ball playing up north. Look Ford has struggled for YEARS, I would know because I hold their fucking stock (dope ticker symbol by the way with $F). Anyway, Ford needs a new niche to grow, albeit the F-150 is consistently the top selling truck in America, sometimes the well starts running dry and requires some improvement. This, for Ford and other classic American car makers should be a small shining light in the sea of shit they have found themselves in.

Could this be the move that will put Ford back on top? Probably not, but it will begin to pave the way towards that goal. The Bronco is out and this time it won't be murdered by the competition (OJ PUN BITCHES!!). Ford, let's see how this lil baby turns out, the next F-150? We hope so.

Anyway, that's my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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