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Flights Surge, Airlines Dip

Alright! The holidays are upon us, and we have a vaccine, so the travel industry is of course already back up and running despite the UK reporting a mutant strain of COVID that is worse than what we already have. Sound like doomsday? Fuck it, this year, if anything else has kind of numbed us to bad news. It’s every fucking day, so what’s like one more, right? Yeah, I guess I feel ya on that one. Anyway, mutant strain or not, one way or another people are going to travel for the holidays so they can scream at each other until their voice goes hoarse. Hey! It’s called fucking tradition and we stick with it.

You smooth brained cunts can’t wait to stick chocolate chip cookies up each other’s ass, so instead of waiting like 2 months more for the vaccine to really start circulating, you are flying home to deliver that cookie right in the sweet spot. I kind of respect it, but you are still a cunt. Of course, this surge of air travel which is seeing about 100 thousand flyers each day and expects an even larger surge the rest of the week will show us what super spreading is all about. Yes, we do have the vaccine but that doesn’t mean you go to your neighbors house and start jerking him off….. Kelly…. You whore…. You broke my heart. The pandemic is still claiming victims left and right and I just see some what of a premature celebration at this point, but that might just be the catholic in me. The vaccine is a boost of confidence, but lets all get out of the woods first, can we do that people?

Even with the news of more flyers, Airline stocks seemed to drop after woes of another possible outbreak claimed the headlines in Europe. God said “oh, you guys are just going into round two, haha, you REALLY thought we were done?! There’s at least 10 more months for 2 girls 1 cup, alone.” United, Delta, American and all the other travel companies are taking caution as are the investors. It’s another big hit, but the thought remains that these “end-of-the-year” customers will boost revenue for Q4 and 2021’s Q1. Airlines are still in desperate need of relief as travel is rock bottom and below 70% of what it was last year. To be honest, it’s probably because we as human beings rarely learn our lesson. But that’s just speculation baby! Hopefully a bounce back is in the works, for right now most Airlines and stakeholders need to hunker down and wait this out.

So even with the great news of more flyers, which in turn points to optimism in travel and the health of the economy as a whole, the stocks of airlines continue to suffer as bad news fucks them all in the ass. There is hope for a rebound and rebuilding of revenue’s and profits in 2021 for the travel industry. But if there is a god, he won’t let that happen. LOL guys im fucking kidding! Chill, it’s all gonna be fine….

Airlines, we got our fingers crossed. Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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