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Elon You Bold Son of a Bitch

How do you not like this man? He’s like the insane scientist that you see in the movies. This tech God just keeps going and going, trying to make the world a better place. Hopefully. I mean we don’t know for sure, but I’m thinking this guy just has a massive hard-on for making cool futuristic realities.

Between space, underground, in our cars, on our internet, and now in our fucking brains it seems like ole Musk just doesn’t have no quit. Could you imagine if he tried his hand at sex robots? Dude would be the richest man in the universe before I could finish typing this sentence. Anyway, Elon has done it again with a company he helped found in 2016 called Neuralink.

Now take a good look at 1984 by George Orwell and then look at Neuralink which aims to put coin shaped electronic medical devices on your head to monitor and help combat various dieses. It also has been stated by the company that they are looking to help with artificial limb movement, cure mental illnesses, and possibly mine your fucking brain for big data and advertisers. Oh did I actually type that? Oh well. It’s these sort of big tech pushes that scare me the most. If anything is going to send us back to the dark ages, it’s a coin shaped electronic device that malfunctions and makes us all fucking infertile or half retarded or something. Idk, I’m not a scientist but it seems like leaps and bounds.

The company is moving pretty aggressively, most notably they were testing their device on a pig in which they were able to successfully read what the snout had smelled. Or something of that sort. AGAIN, it just seems like this might be moving too quickly but hey, you know how they tested airplanes? It certainly wasn’t with a fucking pig because that would be disastrous and kill off a popular expression for why she won’t date you. Anyway, the tests from what were reported went well, and they will be moving on to human trials soon.

What wasn’t reported is that since Neuralink’s inception only 2 of the 8 original scientists hired on are still at the company. It has been reported that a fair amount of internal conflict and failure to come to common solutions has also tainted and slowed the company. Elon helped found it, but with his 700 other pet projects that he helps helm, as well as a brand new child, he kind of has his hands full both physically and metaphorically. Although Neuralkink has its own CEO, I imagine Elon Musk inserts himself in a lot of the discussions. I just don’t know how far or close they are to catching a groove and pushing out tests and products. It seems like a distant dream and one that is often portrayed by a dystopian hellscape following. BUT it’s 2020 and I assume we collectively don’t give a shit.

Well. The South African has poured his intellect into another project aiming to change the world as we know it. You got to respect Elon’s hustle; this motherfucker probably hasn’t had 5 minutes to tug one out since 2003. He’s obviously trying to change the world and I think, even though he is unconventional, time and time again he shows some serious fucking promise and grit. Good on you Elon, PS- keep the meme’s on twitter coming. It’s hilarious.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.- GS

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