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Elon Musk is Not a Fan of Your Dumb “COroNaViRUs”

Before Elon, there were only two real truths, death and taxes. Now after Elon we can add a third, “Virus’s will not stop Elon from banging space aliens” But Biz Bites that’s such an outlandish take?! Yeah Baby, outlandish takes are what I’M ABOUT. But seriously, with all the coronavirus going around Elon Musk is doubling down on being pissed off, by not only suing a city in California but threatening the HQ move to another state if California doesn’t stop being a pussy and let Elon out on the streets where he belongs.

We hear is that Trump is in full support of his protest which is hilarious, since they are almost so alike? It’s like Elon and Trump were brothers but Elon became the smart weird one and Trump became the cocky asshole one. Idk the more I think of it the more I see the similarities. But this isn’t about Trump or COVID. This is about Tesla and the CEO of Tesla. Let’s get into it.

Tesla as a company and as a stock has been through more up’s and down’s than a messy divorce. Tesla has seen leadership changes, factories built and closed, and a CEO that has led the company to amazing triumph and self-inflicted defeat. Lately though the CEO, ole Elon has been acting a bit more wild than usual. He started several companies, amassed a fortune, got married, and had a kid, all of this practically in the last decade or so. That’s a lot. He’s recently promised to sell off his physical items, and threaten to move the Tesla HQ to Texas? Or Florida? Idk. This guy is going through something though that’s for sure. He has been moving around so much that even his most loyal of fans have begun to question the behavior. Look Elon, you did some incredible things, just look at Tesla’s stock it’s a 800+ a share today and that is largely in part to the visionary himself. But the once golden child has been falling from light and weirdly taking the stock with him.

Look I’m not saying don’t be yourself but you know, have a fucking filter from time to time. Elon has WAY too much say in the price movement in Tesla and if he wholly owned any other public companies I would assume that his public outburst and recent scrutiny over the handling of a FUCKING PANDEMIC, might give him pause to decipher the intent behind his actions, but that has not happened and the prices continue to fluctuate based on this guy’s fucking TWEETS. I mean come on people, lets pull the art from the artist at some point. You can’t base a company SOLELY on the CEO. It might have been a practice of the past, but we’re in 2020 people.

The COVID is taking victims left and right both people and businesses, now is not the time to protest but help out, you selfish fucks. If we all put our efforts into elevating this as quickly as possible, I guarantee this would have lasted a month. Now we got ole Musk getting all fidgety and putting his finger on the red button. Let’s let clearer heads prevail. We need a solution so that our population and recover, THEN business can resume. It’s not rocket science you prick.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. - GS

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