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Dunkin’ is Going Private

Dunkin’ Donuts, or now just Dunkin’ is being acquired and taken off the public market in an 11.3-billion-dollar deal. Dunkin’ has been giving energy and vitality to hungover and homeless north-easterners for decades. The age-old quick stop coffee place has been building a legion of followers and literally a brand within itself since it’s inception. There is a video of people in some small town in Pennsylvania that had their Dunkin’ taken away from their lil hands and they fucking cried on camera. That’s called brand power baby, and while you been pumping yourself full of sugar, subconsciously you’ve been associating Dunkin’ more and more with pleasure. Fuck, they got us guys. But now Dunkin’ is going private with Atlanta based Inspire Brands so the restaurant conglomerate can finally add breakfast to their budding dynasty.

Inspire Brands is a somewhat young company, but they are powerful nonetheless. With different chains like Buffalo Wild Wings, and Arby’s, Inspire already has a fairly impressive portfolio, Dunkin’ will add to that impressiveness. I should also mention that Inspire Brands also has majority stakes in Sonic Drive In, Jimmy Johns, and……Rusty Taco hahahaha what the fuck? Rusty Taco? What is this a Spanish porno? Why on Gods green earth would anyone name a restaurant “Rusty Taco”? I mean you gotta get with the times there bud. Anyway, with brands like that, and I’m not talking about Rusty Taco, Inspire is poised to have a dynasty building in the fast casual era of food. It’s a strategic move as well, Breakfast, if you haven’t noticed is a meal that is gaining ground, McDonalds moved their breakfast to all day, Wendy’s is trying Breakfast all over again, and countless other attempts by fast food and fast casual chains to capture some of that growing market segment. Dunkin’ will allow Inspire Brands to have an already built segment.

Dunkin’ has had it’s fair share of trouble as any company of that size would take on as a market leader with millions of customers. The stock however is doing fantastic, Dunkin’ was not impervious to the recent pandemic, but as of today the stock is just under $100 a share, quite a bounce back from the March 2020 low of about $38 a share. Dunkin’ is an easy business model to follow, has amassed an insane and loyal following, and has a strong core due in part because of their ownership of Baskin-Robbins. Dunkin’ is being bought in a very unpredictable time. We have seen in this year alone, that business is a bitch, and often, will keep kicking when you’re down. Dunkin’ has come out of this with the ability to be bought.

The move wasn’t out of this world, and Dunkin’ has been showing signs that it was looking for something of a buyer, but to do it in 2020 was a risk in itself. Could Dunkin’ have been more valuable in 2021, or 2022? Maybe, but the time seemed right. Dunkin’ gets a long-awaited buyer, and Inspire Brands adds to the arsenal of restaurants. The deal might not be perfect, but it was made, which speaks volumes in a business world filled with speculation. I imagine their main focus will be rebranding Rusty Taco, because hahah good God, what a sus name right there. But you keep building Inspire, you’ll be fun to watch.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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