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Don’t Ever Count Warren Out

You don’t get the title “Oracle of Omaha” from nowhere. Warren Buffet has spent the better part of a century building a company from a textile mill to a holding company worth billions. He was the first guy to say fuck Wall Street I can trade from my corn fields and the first to show the true genius of value investing. Warren is the man. I don’t give a single fuck about the negatives you could try to bring up. When it comes to investing Warren Buffett and the team behind him at Berkshire Hathaway know what the fuck they are doing.

Recently the Berkshire company sold all their stakes in Airlines, this caused a panic. Which just goes to show that when Warren moves, people watch and listen. He knows what he is doing but with every major move he has made in the Berkshire Hathaway fund, people will come out and share their stupid fucking opinion. “Warren’s fucked.” “He screwed the company” “I’m going to lose everything!!?!?” No Todd, just because you suck at poker and hate your wife does not mean some guy in Nebraska is secretly trying to screw you over. But even after the sell and the reasons behind it, people will never be happy.

So what did Berkshire do recently? They bought out Dominion Energy at a terrifyingly low price and continued to show how when there is blood in the streets, Warren will buy. Berkshire has an INSANE amount of cash on hand and went ahead and grabbed up every last bit they could of Dominion Energy. Now Dominion, or their ticker symbol $D (fucking hilarious) is a great company with an even better niche. They don’t pull natural gas out of the ground and they don’t even sell the shit. No, Dominion is quite literally the middleman because they focus on the transportation of natural gas through pipelines and other mediums. Dominion is simply making sure the shit flows the right way. Unbelievable. And to get the company at such a low price just shows the wisdom and GIANT dick energy from good ole Buffett in good ole Nebraska. Next time you better put some respekt on his name.

Never count this guy out. Look, I have always been astonished at his work. And even when BBNM has doubts we know that the old man has another trick up his sleeve. The Oracle struck again and is surely going to make a pretty penny from this colossal trade.

Warren hasn’t really missed a step in 60+ years of trading and the thing we love is that when he does he admits it like the man he fucking is. Warren is dope and I hate people that trash his name. Surely this last deal will just give more light to the fact that Warren doesn’t always swing, but when he does it’s for the fucking fences.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time yall. -GS

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