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  • Writer's pictureGS

Disney Wants You Back ☹

Look you magical little fucks, the mouse God wants you back in spending those sweet sweet dolla bills, and Disney will do just that by reopening it’s California Theme Parks. The Parks looks to reopen at the end of April and only will be able to allow about 15% occupancy. I mean it ain’t much but it’s honest work.

Disney employees and investors rejoiced on the news that one of their biggest cash cows will be opening back up. If you take the operating costs of having the park open with only 15% of the occupancy, Disney will have to sell about 4 pretzels and 6 shirts to break even every day. I kid, I kid, it only has to be 5 shirts. Regardless, this is a step forward for the owner of the “happiest place on earth”, of course if COVID spikes up again, and the libs flip out, California, and the Anaheim based park will have to shut its doors once again, but cross your fingers it won’t. Of course the restrictions will still exist and mask wearing will be mandatory. Even with the limited capacity the families and weird-ass Disney Adults will surely flood the gates of the giant mouse-money trap, as plenty of people are itching to get back outside after a year plus of the pandemic and limited occupancies.

Disney hasn’t done great in the COVID era, but that is saying “not great” to a company that absolutely dominates. So “not great” is in fact really fucking good for most companies. As many know that fucking mouse needs his fill, and by God will he get it. Disney moved to a digital strategy last year, launching their long-awaited streaming service, Disney+. The platform has done fucking NUMBERS pulling subscribers left and right, while we watched others like Quibi die. Disney+ fortified the entertainment titan and showed that it is still an agile company willing to make big bets and take risks that will ultimately push the company forward. So, Disney wasn’t necessarily a COVID winner like say, Zoom, but Disney quietly shut down and got to work on it’s next big venture. The moves made, and positive stock price are a small sentiment to the risks the company was willing to make.

The great thing about Disney+ and the reopening of Parks? Disney will be able to capture its audience during the day, at night, when they are outside, and even now in their living rooms. Look that fucking mouse does not give once single fuck about your little “pandemic”, Mickey gets his fucking money goddammit. And unfortunately, there is a population of not just children, willing to fork it on over.

Disney lost the ability to use once of its profit arms, so they went out and built a new goddamn profit arm. That’s what Disney does.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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