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DEAR YOUTH: Savor the Flavor, those Juul Pods are no More.

That’s right, we’re sick and tired of you guys sucking USB dicks between classes. Juul does make you cool but only for a short while because chances are you will not live as long as the people that don’t Juul (fookin’ nerds). In the past two years the criticism over vaping has skyrocketed. Juul being the most popular vaping company, of course is getting fucked first.

Recently Juul and the vaping community in general have come under attack due to the now (09/11/2019) 6 deaths that have happened in America directly linked to Vaping and more specifically the bad vape juices that caused the sudden illness and soon death. My condolences to the families that had loved ones taken away. Justice does seem to be coming for those families, because now even the president and first lady are fighting to have flavor pods, juices, and other vaping mediums to be taken off the market as soon as possible.

This of course I am sure is a sigh of relief to some tobacco stocks in the short term, however with the idea being thrown around of moving the smoking age of tobacco to 21 should make everyone in that industry sweat. Juul comes into play because they have taken big investments from some of the top cigarette producing companies in the world. For some reason, because Juul sort of went “viral” they are the poster child for this anti-vaping campaign. I do understand, we spent decades getting teens to stop smoking cigarettes, so now that Juul’s have sparked again that craving, the government and anti-tobacco companies are fretting. With these recent deaths it seems the campaign to end flavored vape products and eventually most nicotine based products is in full effect.

Just so we’re clear. They WILL fall. It’s hard to beat the government and it’s even harder when you’re in an industry that is so hated by so many. In my mind Juul should find an alternative, or pivot its way out of this debacle. They still have markets in and out of the US, that still share a lot of sales for the company and its stockholders. Juul happens to be the one being ousted but if not them, it would just be someone else with a weird fucking name (I mean really? JUUL? How the fuck do you come up with that name?!).

Overall, we know where the tobacco industry is headed anyway. I am positive there will be tobacco customers and products for the next 50 years, but I question any time after that. This oddly long and historical habit has made many rounds but I think it’ll be nearly non-existent in the future. Everyone needs their vice though, so who am I to say what will happen?

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.


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