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Cryptocurrency has been around for over a decade and finally is finding legitimacy after a goddamn dick storm of speculation. “What a weird fucking analogy to start off with Biz Bites” yeah, well I had to get your attention somehow. The market for Crypto has always been a world shuddered by unplanned secrecy and mystery. What the fuck even is a Bitcoin? No one really knows but that’s the same way we felt about the Cloud and now we’re all on board. Cryptocurrency and all the small and large factions that make it up have been battling uphill to make their dreams a reality. And goddammit, if we aren’t here. With the addition of PayPal and Venmo adding accessibility to Crypto networks on their payment options gives validity to a industry that has been doomed by speculation.

Look Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Libra (or whatever the fuck it was called), Ripple, and some other weird fucking names have been taking the headlines for the past 3 years. Crypto came up and never really died out, which gives a light to the fact that money, yes even money can be taken by tech and turned into a new world. Is that world certain to doom us all? OF COURSE! But Crypto didn’t make it like that, we did. You did. People did. But this blog isn’t about the shittyness of humanity, it’s about the world of Crypto and how it’s becoming mainstream whether you boomer fucks like it or not.

As you probably know, PayPal owns Venmo, so what happens to PayPal probably is going to happen to Venmo. Now PayPal isn’t like mining Bitcoin or holding Ripple stock (that we know of?) but the platform is allowing users to access these digital currencies. And having access alone is a big thing. Users will be able to use their crypto to buy and sell products and services on one of the largest online payment providers in the fucking world. So yeah, this is a big move by the company.

This also can be looked at as a warning to big banks and even central banks. Crypto is unregulated, making the digital payment hard to sell to the world. But with other companies like PayPal giving the first move and opening their arms to the future might spark the same sentiment in central and big banks. Would those said banks also try to fuck everything up, get greedy, and possibly burn it all to the ground? AGAIN, OF FUCKING COURSE! But that’s kinda life, at this point. PayPal and all the named Cryptos are going to jump in value, there is no way in hell big banks would let others take all that sweet, sweet digital cake.

Creating an established network of crypto and federal reserves is a daunting task, no doubt about it, but that’s not to say it cannot be done. PayPal and Venmo in my eyes seem to be the architects that could help build that financial bridge. There will be plenty of regulations, plenty of red tape, and plenty of lawyers involved, but the fruition of crypto is starting to take wind in its sails.

The world of Crypto is becoming less and less dark, with the help of major establishments, a bit of regulation, and one last sweet suck on that pipe dream, and crypto could just be the new dolla dolla bills y’all.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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