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COVID Winners COVID Losers

My first blog back about biz and the markets and you don’t think we’re gonna talk about the RONA?! You must be out ya got dam mind.

It’s Quarantine SZN baby and it’s been in full effect. When will it stop? I mean Georgia is like “fuck it open that shit back up” while deep Harvard studies suggest we self-isolate unit 2022?! Jesus fuck for the sake of my sex life and the economy could we somehow find a happy medium? It’s insane to think we’re in the clear but the light at the end of the tunnel DOES NOT seem like it’s 2 years out. People have been wading out this pandemic for quite a while. The people that can work from home are the ones complaining while the people out of jobs literally want 2 things and that’s to get this shit done with in a quick and safe manner and everyone to SHUT THE FUCK UP about how we’re all in this together. Yeah? All In Together? Then open your doors you fucking socialist and let me have access to your bank account. It is easy to be positive when your entire world isn’t fucking imploding. But what the fuck do I know? I have a job that I work from home for. So maybe the people losing their minds love the sidewalk chalk with the happy-go-fuck-yourselves messaging. IDK.

That’s not why I am putting this blog out, this one is for BIZNESS baby! So, lets get down to it.

There are some obvious winners of the COVID chronicles, those being from Zoom to Microsoft, to Netflix and app developers, direct-to-your-door food delivery companies, not to mention Uber eats, Grub Hub, Domino’s Pizza etc. The companies I listed are just a handful in the sea of winning strategy, some won by default (Netflix) some came out of the woodwork to be a fucking star (zoom) (except for the whole security kerfuffle, that shit must have sucked). But these companies won because their strategy worked. They had made the right bets and had the right positioning to really win big. Microsoft crushed it with their projects like the cloud and their Teams messaging platform. Domino’s proved the long-term vision of building delivery into their company from software to driver was a complete fucking win. All these guys did something in one way or another to profit, grow, or build during this time of uncertainty. These are stocks you want to have in your portfolio that will prove to be winners. And in years to come, when we see the fruits of the companies that are being built RIGHT NOW, you’ll know they are good companies. Success has been built from mayhem and destruction.

Unfortunately, even with a fair number of winners, there are losers too. From the oil industry as a whole, to airlines, and yes even to Uber. Transportation, going out to eat, buying clothes, and many other industries are taking a hit and a big one too. Even the beloved CheeseCake Factory is falling *insert collective sadness for the diabetes in America*. One thing COVID made clear is that an online presence more than ever is a core need of any business. Restaurants move to take out, retail moves EVEN MORE online, and the Boeing sits there with their thumb right up their ass. It’s a fucked situation for the mom’s and pop’s, the budding entrepreneur, and yes your hometown wannabe rapper that said “I was this close to making it homie! Fuck corona!” yeah even Yung Jermey is having a hard time.

The landscape of business is changing. I will not be one of those futuristic dick suckers that says EVERYTHING will change, but some tree’s are being chopped down, while some are being planted. The LANDSCAPE is changing the core ideals of human interaction and being is the same. Society is just getting a tune up nothing more.

This should excite us! This could be a very good thing. Greatness comes from innovation, adapting, and growing. We are turning a new chapter into what I hope will be a very bright future. Look, you might start getting working in a different way, with different protocols, but you will still get the chance to WORK. Let’s make this awesome, grind, and we will all come out of this on top. The new generation of work is starting, all aboard bitches!

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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