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  • Writer's pictureGS

Congress is Paying us $600 to F*ck Off

Gee-wilkers mister, thanks! A whole 600 buckaroo’s?! Aw man, you shouldn’t have.

What a fucking slap in the face to the American people. 600 dollars for 9 months of pure incompetence. Literally half the amount we got the first time. Congress is patting their own backs and tugging their cocks because for some reason they feel like Ghandi and they literally put food inside your kids mouth. Get fucked congress. It’s about time we get some cash flow and while you guys clutched your fucking pearls in DC, America deteriorated before all our eyes. I am not saying we won’t be resilient, because time and time again we are, but you guys really fucked us and didn’t even let us put some lipstick on first. $600 is nice but it is grossly inferior to what we actually need for economic relief. When Guy Fieri, the mayor of fucking flavor town, is outpacing congress on support, you have something seriously wrong with you.

Ok, sorry. Had to get that turd off my chest and I can point you to the people that laid it there without my consent. In fact, the US government has been piping us down with Cleveland steamers for the last 9 months and like a prostitute in the outer skirts of Las Vegas, we all feel pretty shitty (PUN!) after yet another deal where the taxpayer gets the short end of the stick. Again, I try not to be ungrateful considering there are places like……. Turkey? That will get nothing at all but a government mandated beating, I know my lane is what I’m saying. So, the $600 will provide the American people with a tiny bit of hope and the fact that the vaccine is on the cusp of mainstream gives us more hope of what might become of 2021, yet rebuilding will be an uphill battle. Economic stimulation works a little better with more money, just sayin’…

So many small businesses are still struggling, unemployment is at an all time high, and people are literally dying in their homes because of over filled hospitals. The situation is bleak, but not impossible. What would have helped would be for the lawmakers in Washington to put aside their differences and provided the people that so desperately need it, with funds and care. That did not happen though, and in fact the opposite happened where we twiddled our thumbs and fucked our uncles instead of passing bills for relief. So basically, kudos to you Congress for getting less than the bare minimum done. I hope you sleep well at night knowing your coke-addicted daughter hates you like the rest of us. I have hope for America but not for the government as of right now. Y’all had your chance and you fucking blew it.

Trust with the government and the people of the United States has to be low, they just literally pimped slapped us and said “stop bitching.” We gotta do better than this yall.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.- GS

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