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Coca-Cola is bringing the 80’s back with that sweet sweet booze baby!

Oh yeah, that’s right. Ole Coca-Cola is bringing back the drink, the elixir of the gods, that good ole alchy baby! They phased out cocaine back in 1902 (BOOO!) and gave a shot at alcohol (pun!) in the 80’s but after a few years of low sales, they gave up that pipe dream. Well Coca-Cola is gonna light up again and give alcohol another try with their ever popular Topo-Chico brand.

Topo-Chico was acquired back in 2017, and has built a cult like following in states like Texas where I am a native. I used to drink that shit all the time. The strawberry flavor?!?! SHHHHHHEEEEEEEEESHHHHHH that shit was fucking gasoline fire fire. Ze best. Every time I stepped in a Guadalajara or Escalante’s, you best BELIEVE I am getting the strawberry flavor. Orange was good too tho. But I digress, Topo-Chico has been putting out mineral water and different flavored type soda’s to Southern USA and Latin America for years and years. The brand is strong and Biz Bites believes that Coca-Cola is going to take advantage of that brand strength and hope it translates into the alcohol section of grocery aisles and convenient stores. Surely, with the hard seltzer trend still early in its life, Coca-Cola will be able to capitalize with their try at this segment. We see success, but only time will tell.

Coca-Cola is not new to alcohol, they actually did try a brand of wine back in the 1980’s but it wasn’t the time, the place, or the market. Back in the 80’s the focus was health drinks, fitness, and the good ole Colombian bam bam, yeah…. Cocaine baby. Coca-Cola had a good product but poor timing. Biz Bites will be willing to say that now, more than ever is the right time to get into the hard seltzer phenomenon that is taking over most of America and a good part of the world.

Coca-Cola is a historic company, and a fantastic stock. They have led the way for the beverage industry for nearly a century. They have brand appeal, supplier connections, and a marketing team that is world class. Coca-Cola is gonna knock this bitch out of the park…. Hopefully. In a world dominated by brands, Coke is one of the best. They might have been a little late to the hard seltzer game, but that does not take away their potential to dominate. If success is proven with hard seltzer, Coke might just be ambitious to carry on the clout that they have built. We could see coke strategically moving into CBD products, THC, and of course more of that sweet, sweet booze.

Coca-Cola is a slow mover, but when they strike the market watches. Taking a stab at the alcohol game, could give Coke the confidence it needs as a company to keep on trying more ambitious products in the markets that could be considered “taboo”. Could you imagine getting stoned off a Coca-Cola? That is a world I some day hope to live in and you better hope to be there too.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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