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ChatGPT Ate Your Homework

Get fucked Clippy your suggestions usually revolved around me either fixing the use of the word “there” or buying a toaster and filling up the bathtub. I am tired of the abuse and so are college students as more and more young minds decide to take a break from all that thinking and give it up to ChatGPT.

Students aren’t the only ones effected. The business world, as stable and non-turbulent as it is, is also having some issues with the latest revolution in classroom.

Major academic based companies like Persons and Chegg are getting fucking manhandled by ChatGPT. Revolutionize academia, I say, make that shit free and maybe you won’t have a generation of morons like myself slaving away to pay some dumb fucking loans off.

Personal issues aside, Chegg has specifically been targeted by the market as the stock dropped 40% and the CEO blamed the revolution. What a fucking commie. As price targets continue to be slashed and Chegg sits under $10, they don’t plan to go out quietly. No, Chegg, like any other disgruntled teenager is fighting back by releasing their own AI to help fuel the AI fire, by releasing a bot named CheggMate, which is what my drunk college roommate would say when he remembered to take the Digiorno out of the oven.

Chegg and others are about to be majorly challenged by the tech revolutions that seem to roll out quicker and quicker every year. If Cheggmate has any success, which is a big “if” they will need to ride it out until the AI is developed, my favorite thing to watch is a company fuck itself by quickly trying to spit out a rival product with a bunch of flaws. Eat your heart out Zune lovers.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time-- GS

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