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Blockbuster Movies Keep Getting Postponed

It started with James Bond, then went to Top Gun, and now Dune is the most recent movie and potential movie franchise to push their premiere date. It probably gives the editors more time to go over details which is good, and if Quentin Tarantino was directing it would give him more time for those sweet, sweet foot shots. Yeah, if you’ve never noticed, go check out how many times Tarantino sticks a foot in the middle of the goddamn frame. The guy is weird, but I guess that’s the price you pay to be a directorial genius. But beyond Tarantino’s obsession with feet, Hollywood is dying. And COVID is not helpful. We focus so much on Airlines, but there are other massive industries that are sweating through their shirts with anxiety of what tomorrow might bring.

Movie studios, theaters, and the actors themselves have been forced out of work and out of business. The actors are probably doing fine, and based on their godawful cringed-fueled sing alongs, they seem to be hanging in there. Thanks again for that rendition of the popular song “imagine”. I am sure John Lennon would have chosen to be shot down a million more times over in that fucking ally rather than see his hit song butchered by undeserving cunts. Jesus, Biz Bites, that was fucking harsh. Yeah well, they don’t fucking have a clue of what’s going on so I can say things like that. But the lack of work and uncertainty of reopening has caused a drop in the movie industry. Even now, with some theaters being able to reopen, the capacity is limited and many consumers have tight fucking budgets, you know, with the whole pandemic going on. A lot of the time, the father of 2 is going to choose a meal over seeing Grown-Ups 3. I mean poor choice by the father, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Cinema, as an industry, is not dead. The fantastical stories, the love, the drama, the laughs, that experience a person gets is unmatched. Being able to pull someone out of their shitty life for 2 hours to send them to a different world is a dopamine hit that you can only find in grabbing someone’s undivided attention, like a “FREE Heroin” sign in downtown Baltimore. The movie industry is going to have to change though. Whether that’s different theater experiences, a move to streaming, a cut in most film and studio budgets, or maybe some Frankenstein strategy of all 3. Whatever the solution is, they need to start moving towards that. I can wrap my head around the government bailing out Airlines, but Movie Studios? You’re higher than those lucky fucks that found the free heroin in downtown Baltimore if you think movie studios would get bailed out. Cinema isn’t dead, it’s being forced to evolve.

Those glorious actors, those talented directors, those titans of movie industries don’t have a free ride much longer. Shit has already hit the fan and now it’s time to clean house a bit. Hollywood is undergoing changes whether they like it or not. The winners will find a strategy, the losers will sit in place and hope this all blows over.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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