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  • Writer's pictureGS

Big Banks & Financial Institutions Stomp On Another Piece Of The American Dream

Hey there future homebuyer! Is the market a little “iffy” right now, are you seeing the cost of homes skyrocket? Well, you’re not in luck at all! Not only is there a record number of homes entering and exiting the housing market right now, on top of lumber and labor shortages, big companies like BlackRock, JP Morgan, Fundrise and a slew of other slime balls said “fuck you poor people you’ll rent from us forever”. That might not be a direct quote, but you get the point. Let’s get into it.

BlackRock, JP Morgan, and many many others are taking advantage of the homes being built and sold on the market. The companies can come in and offer 20% to 50% over the house or houses listing price and it would take the jaws of fucking life to make a realtor to not sign that deal. They are also buying homes in bulk as Fundrise reportedly bought an entire housing development project in Conroe Texas for 32 million which was DOUBLE THE FUCKING VALUE ALREADY, I mean there’s good capitalism and shitty capitalism but this is like Casey Anthony Capitalism, and brother, that is not an economic system you want to be in. Now I totally understand the process of them wanting to make money, so you would think they would buy these developments and sell them to people that, you know, want an asset in their life… Welp, they do none of that! Yeah, these fucking con-artist are turning these homes into rental properties to literally fuck thousands of people, turning them into a lifelong, or at a least long-term customer. 1 in 5 homes being bought on the market today will not be bought by a person that plans on living in that home. In other words, fuck you guys, were just going to make it rain….. but none for you poors. Thanks big banks!

In all seriousness, this move if all proven to be true, which it should be, is a grossly obvious grab at wealth, while indebting future home owners to a renter only life. I mean Jesus Christ, have a heart at some point. The graphs and the data just prove the point where overarching profit can out pay entire communities, never thought that would be a lesson, but here we are. The timing could not be worse either, as homes are already on the rise with national shortages of raw materials and a small but growing labor crisis.

Well BlackRock, JP, and all you other fucks out there that decided making money was better than giving future generations a chance, from the bottom of my heart, you all suck. Just goes to show that ole Jeff Bezos was right, if you stomp on the backs of everyone around you, insist on unhuman like labor, and really try to screw everyone for your favor, you too can make it to the top. Hell will be an interesting place to say the least.

Alright! Rant done. Thanks.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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