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Beyond Meat’s Meatballs Hit Costco on The Chin

Ok first things first. The complete marketing drop of year is with Beyond Meat’s newest addition of Beyond Meat Meatballs, and godfuckingdammit why in the shit was this not called “Beyond Balls”, I mean, you throw a “z” on the “balls” and you got yourself a fucking hit. Beyond Meat, I will allow you to take my idea, for .001 percent of your Beyond Ballz Royalties. I’ll have my people call your people.

Well fuck, that wasn’t the story but it was something I had to get off my chest. Beyond Ballz. C’mon. Anyway, Beyond Meat has made another fairly large step in building their products into the lives of the all-American beef lovers. Consumer tastes are changing, and the run-of-the-mill Stouffers Meatloaf-for-one while you cry in front of the TV, is now becoming a Beyond Meat Stouffers Meatloaf-for-one while you cry in front of the TV. Really if you think of it, Beyond Meat’s meatballs will probably be the biggest foot in the door for people to at least TRY the stuff they sell. At about 2 dozen meatballs for $10, Beyond Meat is playing ball (PUNS!) with the big-name competitors, as this would be right in line for the bulk kind of buys that a typical Costco customer would want to find. Not to mention, meatballs are an easily disguised beef product that you can trick your family into eating. Cauliflower can fuck right off, because Beyond Meat said, stop comparing that shit to chicken, we’ll make a substitute if you keep it up. Meatballs can easily be used in dishes and often times the sauce will overwhelm the taste of the meat, or I guess in this case the lack thereof. What is this, a fucking cooking show? Let’s get back to the biz.

Costco is often shrouded as one of the prime places to be for food products and producers in order to make it to the table of American families across the US. Costco has quality products, in bulk, for usually a more wholesale kind of price. With their reach across the USA, and the millions of memberships under the Costco company, this is a match made in heaven for Beyond Meat, because it gives them an edge over their direct competitors and puts them in the faces of people that often would stray away from their product. Teaming up with Costco is like getting Dr. Dre or Jay-Z to sign with you as a musician. Look doors are going to start opening like nothing before.

Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods have been trying everything in their industry to make their names and this meatless meat, a thing. From plenty of partnerships in retail spaces as well as big brand names like Impossible Meat’s Burger King Whopper, and Beyond Meat’s Pizza Hut Toppings. It seems like every stone must be turned. In my eyes this, this is a smart play, in the early years, overwhelming the customer might sound shitty, but it’ll bring them back. Most consumers if they see a brand more than 8 times, they will remember it. Well Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are basically shoving ads down our throats, and up my dad’s ass, and if this ends up working, I guess I know how to get my father to finally love me…. Sorry.

The constant reaching from Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods might be the key to a path forward to change consumers and the food industry entirely.

Maybe those fucking hippies were right. Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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