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  • Writer's pictureGS

Betting on Boeing

Boeing is a company that is living the struggle life. And not like the struggle of a white girl that’s 29 in New York trying to decide where to get coffee. No, Boeing is living the struggle life of a homeless guy living under a freeway fighting off a pack of meth heads for a bag of peanuts. The situation is grim, and it has been that way, after the insane amount of software flaws in the Boeing 737 that saw fatal crashes in 2019. Boeing needs a fucking bone, and Alaskan Airlines of all companies, is throwing said bone.

Alaskan Airlines, which is also conveniently located in Seattle, like Boeing, has agreed to buy 23 737 MAX airplanes to the value of you know, a small 2.7 billion. I mean Jesus Christ there are companies that trade on the stock market that are worth far less. Outside of the capital gains, this deal will ultimately boost the public’s, and other airlines confidence in the aviation manufacturer. While Alaskan Airlines probably got the 23 jets at somewhat of a discount, considering Boeing just barley lived through a 20-month ban that was grounding it’s lil cash cow of a product for an indefinite period while the manufacturer cleaned up the literal mess they made. Alaskan Airlines isn’t by any stretch of the imagination a number one player in the airline industry but they made the first move, which will strengthen relations with the airline and Boeing. Overall, it’s a pretty big win for Alaskan Airlines, contingent on the fact that none of the 737’s have “mishaps” and by that I mean go down in a fireball of destruction.

Boeing has needed an airline or two…. Or three, to start growing confidence and buying back into the plane maker. Ordering the fucking products would be my guess as the best way to instill that sense of confidence and piece of mind. When faced with such a terrible situation, what Boeing had to do was painful for the balance sheet, the stakeholders, and the investors but it was a necessary pain that they had to go through in order to ultimately survive.

Alaskan Airlines is making a large order, and an even bigger bet on Boeing. The airline will start using the newly purchased fleet in early 2021. Boeing has been crippled by a swarm of bad press, bad public relations, and because of that, a bad stock. The rebound has begun for the company and if they can hold out and continue to strengthen their presence through safety measures, they might just make it and not be the next PAN AM. You remember those fucks? Goddamn the 70’s must have been wild, cocaine and airplanes. I digress, but overall, this should be a major win for Alaskan Airlines and a boost of confidence for Boeing.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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