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  • Writer's pictureGS

Aw Lawd They Comin’

…..We thought they were dead. I mean they had to have been dead, right? WRONG and if you’re thinking I’m talking about a group of hitchhikers that loaded the wrong bus, well you’d be wrong twice. I’m talking about the absolute RALLY we are seeing unfold before us. Gamestop and AMC, the stocks that just keep on fucking ticking along, modern business models be damned, you don’t need that type of corporate crap when you got the sweet sweet memes on your side. Let’s get into it.

Get fucked short sellers. The time is now, old man. Gamestop and AMC are two stocks that have given bearish investors a run for their money. Short sellers of the stocks have already lost a small 600 million plus and the number keeps rising as the stocks keep soring. Now flashback to January these meme stocks were taking fucking off, Gamestop going as high as $400 a share and AMC hitting the 20’s, it was quite a time to be an investor on the stock trade. These are the same types of numbers that are bubbling back up for both companies, and of course this causes absolute mayhem on Wallstreet. Someone like me just sits back and relaxes, watching the world burn, but people IN that game? Oh they were going fucking bananas. It makes sense too, as both companies seem to have antiquated businesses that should have been shot dead a long time ago, but they live baby, they live. The businesses behind the stocks seem a little outdated, sure, but that doesn’t dissuade the millions of investors going in on these securities like an all you can eat buffet at a strip club. The world is wild baby, and so are the stocks.

The reason for the breakouts in price? God only knows. AMC is the more viable of the two in my eyes but the price of the stocks tell a wildly different story. Now Gamestop has made some moves that make it more buyable as well, hiring on top execs, pushing for a digital strategy, and using this bump in popularity to their advantage. I’ll be real, unless Gamestop can pull off the Best Buy turnaround, they are dead, I mean like dead, dead, like someone who is 107 years old but still manages to open their eyes dead, but that’s life, I guess. AMC and Gamestop are once again pulling the nostalgia, the memes, and apparently everyone on reddit, what a freaking story.

The future….. for once looks bright, at least for these dying brands. Whats next, Hanes?!?! Idk but it looks like money and the dying lust for a better childhood are finally going hand in hand.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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