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Automakers and Unions need a Jerry Springer styled pow-wow sesh.

GM, Fiat-Chrysler, and Ford have come under a lot of pressure recently and most notably GM. The United Auto Workers are holding their hand down and not letting up with this most recent strike against GM and Automakers in general. We are hitting nearly a month+ of stagnant talks and negotiations over wages, benefits, where the cars are made, and a whole mess of other shit they can’t decide on. It’s a tough call, and I am sure both the Automakers and the unions are getting at each other’s neck to get one or the other to fold.

GM and unions have always had a just “ok” past and this recent and notably longest strike might be the tipping point. GM on one hand is losing 90 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS A DAY (according to the articles) which is prompting them to move their operations to other countries while they sort this out, on the other hand the people protesting are going to lose their livelihoods and I am positive this will gut out the inner workings of Detroit and send the city back into mayhem (if it’s not already there). The Automakers have been a cornerstone for America for decades upon decades, a tradition I feel that is worth fighting for. Now, I know there has to be a good middle ground, a compromise these organizations can come to. If not for the bottom line, shit do it for the fucking people, man. The situation is not looking positive as of now, but with millions on the line and plenty of people out of work it seems this has reached a boiling point.

Automakers are in the middle of a big change. With climate control, pollution regulations, energy efficient demands, electric vehicle revolution, and pulling back jobs into America, there is much to be considered. My thought on it is go quiet. Don’t talk to the press until you have to, don’t market too much, keep your core business and get to work. With all this change, some companies will be left in the ruins of yesteryear. American Automakers don’t all have to suffer the same fate as many before them. Innovate, balance out the pay and benefits, treat employees right, and jesus-fuck don’t talk to the press. You only get shit on harder.

It’s a short one today dudes and dudettes.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.


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