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Asana & Palantir plan their market debuts

Both companies, although in tech are on opposite sides of the giant industry. Asana being the work productivity tool, and Palantir a data analytics and data mining software company. Both are what we call mid-tier tech companies, both are losing money fast, BUT they show promise…… maybe.

Who the fuck knows with 2020. Maybe one of these will be the star of the year on the stock market? A few more surprises to end out the year almost seems like a right-of-passage at this point. It looks like investors have grown a numbness to what a successful company should be considered in our new world. Now one could go back allllllllll the way to 2000’s and look at the dot com era and come to the conclusion that when it comes to the internet, the risk is almost doubled. The internet still to this day is a murky virtual world, where information comes fast, and things change in an instant. A slow train wreck doesn’t really exist there, it’s more of two F-16’s colliding mid-air while doing barrel rolls. So, with that being said, it’s hard to see the future with these internet age companies and one’s that are built in that world. However, in the midst of all this one can look at figures that don’t lie. Namely number/value of customers, balance sheets, and the company’s management style.

Both companies I named have had leaked S-1 documents (of fucking course) and shown a growth in revenue and debt. I like both companies for different aspects, but to me Asana will be a clear winner. With an easy to use customer interface, to founders with a roots in tech (founders/employee’s at Facebook), and a clear path to growth or being acquired, it looks like Asana has a clear strategy. Palantir is also an amazing looking company. It has been called the potential tech ipo of the year and people have speculated the company being worth around 30 billion. Now, a few odd things are the management of Palantir, whether it was by their own accord or not, Palantir had an exodus from the Silicon Valley and took up the mountain town of Denver Colorado for their headquarters. It may have been for good reasons, and they have said it was to help employee’s but it just seems like the weirdest choice. But take it for what it is worth, both companies have a glimmer of hope.

The stock market has seen some major players in the past few years. Some have perished, some flourished, and some didn’t even make it to the listing. Fuck you WeWork I will shit on you until my last days. It seems like companies with increasingly unclear futures are getting investors and cash like never before. Could this be a bubble? It might be, but some day soon, they are going to wake up. There are companies out there that have not proven their viability, when that happens the company usually loses integrity, and when they lose integrity they are fucked. It’s all a game baby, you just gotta play it right.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.-GS

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