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Are the lights off for GE?

Grayson you witty cunt. What a fucking title. LOL ok, let’s get into this.

So, we probably don’t remember because of all the other shit happening, but General Electric, the guys that make lightbulbs, healthcare supplies, jet engines, etc. had a slow fall from grace, and the once metaphorical powerhouse of the US is a dwindling drifter in the rearview mirror of the stock market highway. You want more analogies? I can write more fucking analogies. Anyway, the stock is at an all time low, and I wanted to kind of remember how this all started. The once titan of industry has fallen, and they just might be dead in the water. Oh, and I saw an article saying GE is going jump 150% and I, for one, call bulllllllssssssshhhhhhhhiiiiiiiittttttttttt.

The conglomerate, GE, started to plummet way back in 2001 when a beloved CEO Jack Welch stepped down, following just a few years later was the financial crisis of 2008. GE got kind of fucked and their stock fell by almost half. GE continued to try and rebuild but the company was massive. Like fucking huge. So, GE in the past few years has been cutting jobs, departments, and dividends to stop the bleeding. Now I haven’t found a lot about GE since the pandemic, namely because people probably are worried about far more important things, but GE cannot be doing good. And they aren’t. As I said the recent cut to about 12,000 jobs, and a cut to the popular dividend made their company look weak. For me, it’s the past few earnings report and not the most solid guidance moving forward. The company just isn’t the confident, American-Made, show off like I kind of expected? Am I an asshole for assuming that? I just figured GE would be the guy at the party bragging about how his family has owned land in Boston “For like 200 years bro”. I digress.

Analysts are saying GE is on the come up but something just seems wrong about that. GE is so exposed to the market, they might be too big, but not big enough to fail. Fuck that expression anyway “Too big to fail” bull-fucking-shit. Tell that to all the giant companies that have died before. Whatever, my point is even with the positive reviews I still don’t have much faith for GE. The company although plenty historic and amazing in its own right, has been declining since the 2000’s started. Maybe they just weren’t cut out for the horribleness of TikTok and failures like WeWork. I guarantee GE, if recreated today, would be like the craziest funded company on planet earth. Imagine a fucking marketing slogan “The Casper Mattress of Lightbulbs” Brilliant. Fucking sign me up, it would be some literal subscription box with fucking lightbulbs inside. Amazing. Someone create this.

Ok, I got off track again, but overall I feel that in the next 5 years, GE will either MASSIVELY restructure or just disappear altogether. The company is so big I imagine there is stiff competition in any of the core sectors they work in. GE, it was a long run, and a good one, but it is time to say goodbye. *Que the Fast and Furious sound track* It’s been a lonnnnnnngggggg dayyyyyy without you my friend, and I’ll tell you allllll about it when I seeeee you agggggaaaaiiiiinnnnn

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time- GS

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