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Apple Cuts Cars

(guy looking at car uncomfortably)


You’d think the title was a typo and I meant employees, but no this is real. After 10 years of toying with the idea of going into the automobile industry, Apple is finally calling it quits and throwing in the metaphorical towel, just like my dad with the family 😊.


If you didn’t know, Apple has been planning for the past decade or so to release it’s own version of a self-driving car, even turning down past deals and partnerships to embark out on their own and try to make a stake in an industry they have no place in being. It’s like if a candy store built a fucking rocket, I mean I would watch the take off but I’m not expecting molasses to get on the moon. The real cost to Apple is money, oh and the thing that makes the money. What’s that shit called? Employee? Yes, also Apple lost about 2,000 children slav--- “Employees”.  But who cares when you have a market cap in the nearly trillions of dollars and can just throw money at a project trying to build a car WITHOUT A STEERING WHEEL OR PEDALS. Lol, classic Apple.


This couldn’t be a shock to many. I mean an Apple Car? What are we, vegetarians? Hhaha ok, sorry keep on reading please. Apple has been focused and putting out great products under their umbrella, Airbuds, VR, wearables, music, TV, the list goes on. Apple is probably making the most strategically sound idea by cutting their losses and just focusing on what they already do really well. They just released a VR headset that is already getting meme’d and that is the first step in any great marketing campaign. Surely there is more of the human body real-estate that they can take over. Have we forgotten the nose? Can we do something with the nose? Let’s do that.


But really, this is on par for what we can expect from Apple they have enough disposable assets in the form of capital and childr--- employees that they can easily bounce back. Surely this is not the last kind of Gonzo-like idea from Apple. They probably will start making moves in the housing industry. But a real idea, cyber security/home security? C’mon Apple must be dying to just spy on us like the others.


The Apple Car just wasn’t meant to be, at least in this decade. Apple is an innovative company and ungodly rich. They will come up with something else to make sure that we don’t stray too far from their grasp. That’s my take on it, until next time.---GS

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