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Apple Airpods Max, Take a New… Oldschool? Look.

Are you in finance? Even better are you in Fintech? Are you based in New York? Do you have exclusive Patagonia gear and been on, one, single hike this year? Well, if you answered yes to most of these questions, you’re probably a douche bag. But that’s ok! Because Apple wants you to look like even more of a douche. Now those pesky small Airpods aren’t enough, I mean if the flow covers your ears, or a Yeezy hoodie covers the ear clout on the A-train into work every morning do you think people even know that you’re in a tax bracket far beyond the peasants? Of course not. So this holiday season really drive home the fact that you probably will score a domestic abuse call in the next 5 years with a $550 pair of Airpods Max.

Apple is back at it, making gadgets a little better, and a lot more expensive. Honestly, I’m not bitching about it. I don’t buy apple products but I do own the stock. So guess what? I sleep soundly every night knowing that there are plenty of Apple Stans that will buy out these overpriced products in a matter of minutes. It helps sales, makes you look like a fuck face, and that revenue line just pushes higher and higher. I love it. I’m not totally harping on the products either. Look Apple creates some quality shit, and the new Airpods Max will more than likely fall into that category. The new…. Old-school style brings back the over the head, and complete ear covering with the new devices. They are simple, sleek, and totally conform with the ecosystem that Apple has been building out expertly for the past two decades.

Will this be a win for Apple? You bet your fucking ass it will be. The new Airpods Max’s are coming out during the holiday season and will put another gadget on the Wishlist of millions in America and beyond. Apple has been steadily increasing their foothold into your ears and on your wrist. They just recently added a whole slew of features to the Apple Watch. But they don’t stop with those simple appendages, they are invading our homes with things like home speakers, Apple TV, and Apple Music. The headphones are impressive in their own right, the sound quality, style, ease of use, and the other number of features will oddly enough captivate Apple’s audience just like the first gen Airpods. So that’s what y’all wanted? Better earbuds? Fuck it. Anyway, the ecosystem is strong with this one, and Apple will continue to dominate the way you consume content and media.

Apple is coming out swinging for 2020. The tech giant has never had to worry much, but it seems like this year, especially, they are trying to strike while the iron is hot. Consumers are changing, so their habits are changing as well. The tech companies that influence so much or our daily life, have an opportunity to once again capture more loyal fans with this especially odd year. Apple seems to be doing just that.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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