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AMC Lives Another Day

Updated: May 18, 2021

(I love stock photos like these, because I wish I enjoyed ANYTHING as much as this lady enjoys overpriced popcorn)

AMC! What a memeverse that company has been in for the last few months. From insufferable lows, to ecstasy type highs, the theater operator has had more ups and downs than a heroin addict in Baltimore. Even with the speculation, the negative press, and the wild rides, AMC is still in the ring, waiting for the fucking bell to off. Let’s get into it.

AMC, the popular movie theater chain that has been instilled into 90’s kids because they remember fucking everything. The family friendly venues showing those giant imax movies and 3D films where a teenager can get his first handy by the cover of darkness as a lion jumps off screen, had been faltering for years and years, then the fucking pandemic hit. AMC was all but left for dead as the stock hit a horrifying $2 per share and it looked like packing up was the only good option left. Well, then came the fucking meme’s. Yep, back in January GameStop became national news as redditors hurried in droves to jump on the nostalgia at a low price. Although GameStop got all the news, the quieter second winner was AMC. Fast forward a few months and suddenly AMC and GameStop are…… well viable? I guess? AMC is at least, the comeback of the new century has unfolded in front of our eyes.

The company is actually hitting the ground running seeing this as an opportunity not to drive their company straight back into the abyss. With the new CDC guidelines, investors of AMC are excited that the theater operator will finally be able to open with full capacities, which will give a bit of a buffer on revenue for this year. AMC also announced it will be selling 428 million of shares to the public, which gave the meme stock traders a boner, but more importantly will give AMC room with actual cash flow and give a new rating for creditors. AMC is actually making this work, and the future is not as dim as it once was. With the cash in hand, and consumers ready at the door to come in, the theater giant is bound to make a decent comeback. And maybe just maybe we won’t get 10,000 fucking sequels that no one wants to see in the first place, but that is just another pipe dream.

AMC is not out of the dark by any means, making it through one year will be tough but bringing back to life an already dying business is a multi-decade kind of investment. With the right pivots, movie offerings, and customer retention, AMC could just come back out of the gulag to fight another day.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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