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  • Writer's pictureGS

Airline Wine… It Sells itself

Remember all those times that you drank too much wine on a commercial flight to Orlando and made a scene in the airport? Well now you can relive those special memories, as American Airlines announced an at-home wine delivery service as a way to find creative measures to make some cash off their inventory. So, go ahead, sit back, relax, and black the fuck out with Airline wine at your door. Surely, you’ll be a hit at parties.

COVID has brutally fucked businesses raw and proved that most governments around the world are dog shit dumb, and couldn’t find a fucking dildo in a sex shop. Airlines were one of the hardest hit industries as the virus grounded planes and sent everyone back inside for over a year now. Travel has still not come back to even half of what it was. As we know Airlines have been fucked by this year alone, low ticket sales, low passenger numbers, low amounts of items bought, and low alcohol sales. American Airlines is just as much as a victim as it’s competitors, but it ain’t going down on it’s knees. American announced Thursday it will start its very own Wine Home Delivery system called “Flagship Cellars” (GOD AWFUL fucking name there) and the new subsidiary is aiming to turn their unbought inventory into a nice source of revenue for the struggling company.

Coming soon, consumers will be able to indulge themselves in the wines that can be found on the Airlines right in their own home, and who the fuck wouldn’t want that?? All joking aside, this is an incredibly creative, and smart way to get rid of unsold inventory, most Airlines have been treading water, but American is getting to work. The bottles of wine and champagne are of reasonable quality, and unlike in the skies they aren’t going to make you take out a mortgage for a fucking double. American will bank around $40k to $50k respectively by analyst views in the next few months but this could be a new long-lasting program for the airline, if proven successful.

While most flounder in their own self misery, American Airlines have been finding inventive ways to keep afloat. The wine program isn’t a safety net but it buys the company time as we get the vaccine out to the masses and begin traveling again. American is making the small pivots needed to help take the weight off of other struggling divisions and setting a precedence of “fight till your last breath” kind of motto in the airline industry. Kudos.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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