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Adam Neuman, whomst should be publicly shamed, steps away from WeWork

Adam Neuman is the cofounder, and a short time CEO for the fabled WeWork, the coworking company that was “changing” the world. Adam Neuman is also the cofounder and CEO of one of the biggest IPO blunders in recent years, losing the company millions, having employee’s leave or quit, and creating an even bigger distrust in the public eye, and Adam that snake fuck, just grinned. You know why? Because he made billions off the fall of the company and continues to rake in some dough.

What’s good is that SoftBank Group, the number one investor in WeWork, can finally kick Adam Neuman out the door, at least for the time being. Adam is nothing but a parasite and a stain on a company that had potential for greatness. You remember that godawful Uber founder? Yeah, Adam makes that guy look like a fucking choir boy. And Adam Neuman as with most stories of a piece of shit slithering through life, will make it out of this deal relatively unscathed. He probably won’t be able to head up too many more “tech” companies, poorly disguised as a real-estate company, but he has more money than he’ll ever need and can spend it banging hookers and crying in a lonely hotel room after, it’s his life, not mine. He got so far ahead of himself that he lost track of what fucking reality is even, and I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt as someone who despises this fuck of a human. He took WeWork from relative success to a crashing zeppelin in the matter of years. Greed, illogical pursuits, and a confidence that Michael Jordan couldn’t even muster lead to Adam’s downfall, and of course he would take WeWork with him. But did he feel sorry for ruining a company and the lives behind that company that help build it together? Ohhhhhhh fuck no! Are you kidding? Feel sorry? Adam is making it out with millions upon millions, and will get 50 million more from SoftBank when this is all said and done. He could not give a single fuck about his former employee’s “sob stories”.

SoftBank will now have complete control over the destiny of WeWork, and hopefully can pull it from the ashes, where Adam tried to bury it as far as he could. The company seems to have taken on the “real-estate” title which is more fitting considering that is the industry it’s in and what not. Even with the pandemic screwing the world up, WeWork still managed to have an average year. With that, the remaining executives at WeWork are excited to see a future that Adam is not apart of. They can focus on their core business of flexible and timely workplaces.

Adam Neuman, go fuck yourself you Great-Value brand Snape from Harry Potter lookin’ motherfucker. You are a bad person and you should feel bad. WeWork, I hope nothing but the best.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.-GS

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