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A Take on The Pandemic from a Man in his Late 20's.

What’s it like to be in your late 20’s during a pandemic, while trying to work from home, keep a mental and physical health standard, all while drowning in debt? What an oddly fucking specific question, and boy am I the perfect one to answer it. First off, for all my fellow ’93 babies riding the unemployment train and wondering how you’ll make it another day, my fucking heart goes out to ya. I swear I’d be losing it. You take away my premium Spotify and I am just a shell of a man. You guys fucking rock and we will get through this. But it sucks, it fucking sucks and there’s no easy way to say that.

I like many others am confused about the future. I have a job but there are still student loans, car payments, electric bills, car insurance, phone bills, and a whole other mess of shit to think about and consider. “BuT BiZBiTEs ThOSE pRobLEMs AlrEADy exiSteD” yeah but fuck you, look at any expenses to income charts over the last 30 years and you’ll see what I fucking mean. “Oh, but just spend your money less” Yeah, well fuck you Brian. I like to drink some beer from time to time, maybe a joint here and there. I mean I’m not crippling myself financially by my vices but of course I would save money if I didn’t buy those things. YOU’D SAVE ALL YOUR MONEY IF YOU KEPT A FUCKING JOB AND WE’RE ESSENTIALLY HOMELESS BRIAN! God, fuck Brian, what an asshole. I drove a little off course there but you see where I was going with metaphorical Brian. The problem occurring is that the average incomes aren’t being supplemented with expenses quite like they used to, and if you’re bitching about that, I don’t know why. It’s a pursuit in the name of freedom and I deserve a gold medal (what the fuck is with me today? LET IT RIDE DAMMIT!).

Can we as a generation do better? Yes, of course we can. But that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t be appreciative of a helping hand from time to time. I believe my generation can lead; we are just neck deep in water right now. Things ARE changing, you can’t deny it. Recently light has been shown on minimum wage, equal pay, the wage gap, and plenty of other business and government flaws. It could always be a sham and these “new” and “hip” companies could turn around and fuck us just like the grandfather companies have done to the common people before them. It’s not right, but life does not give a single fuck. Life will never sit down and cry with you because earth is indifferent and nature does not give two shits if we live or die.

Just because finances are drowning you today does not mean you won’t be back on land tomorrow. Look, there are a thousand different ways to get yourself out of a financial rut. YouTube videos, books, blogs, podcasts, and constant tricks like the 50-30-20 rule, that can help get you back on track. If you are in between 25 and 35 with no fucking clue what to do, don’t worry I’m digging with you. It’s difficult but there are tools that can help us. We are the potential leaders of the free world in a few years. Let’s show up with some fucking experience y’all. They expect us to fail.

In the end, this is hopefully as bad as it gets. I hope we all use this time to reflect mentally, and work on ourselves in every aspect. No matter what we have had a few moments to breathe. Every generation in this bullshit is facing a hardship. These are ours. This pandemic sucks, but keeling over and dying shouldn’t be a choice. Plan for the long term, get through every day, keep banging on that fucking door until the hinges fall off.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.

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