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  • Writer's pictureGS

A Little Update

(no idea why i picked this picture, it literally has nothing to do with anything.)

Before I start just know that this will not be about Bizzzzz. Sorry but fuck you, I need to do an update.

First and foremost. The pod is going great! I have an average listener count of 5 and that is 4 more than I expected so if you do listen, Thank you. If you don't listen you're dead to me, just kidding. But not really. What the fuck are you waiting for? Go to spotify and look up Biz Bites N' More! Stop reading and do it! But on the real real thank you guys for any and all support! I always appreciate it. The blog is doing well too! You guys subscribed?!?! Jesus fuck, I love it, and I love you. I'll be sending more random emails. Just because :)

Look I love business and I love Stocks and markets and all that good jizz jazz, for a lot of people business is boring but for me, it is fucking awesome and I love to study/research it. I also have a huge love for all things comedy, anything that gets people laughing, and I, in turn, love to make people laugh. That is why I write blogs and do podcasts and tweet at motely fool that my ultimate financial goal is to "stop crying at night". Seriously, I tweeted that exact response. I know there are not a lot of you out there but if I make you laugh or even kind of snort some air out of your nose, I feel that my job is complete.

So what is up for the future of Biz Bites N' More? I know you didn't ask but entertain me for a moment. The future is bright! Getting a podcast up was a dream come true so I am already half way there. Video is a big bitch that I want to get in bed with. I think Video will only broaden the horizons of BBNM and give you guys more content. Do I want to make money with this? Uhhhh fuck yes I do, but even if I never get a dime from this fucking thing, being able to write and talk about the area of life I have so much interest in is good enough for my bitch ass. And on top of that making you guys smile or just getting you guys out of the shittyness of life for even a few minutes brings me joy.

So I am going to continue blogging, and hopefully a lot more. I will continue the podcast and ramble about business and all sorts of other random shit. I will always be firing off them tweets and fucking around on that hilarious platform. And I'll work to get some video going.

Always feel free to reach out, shit I'll have you as a guest on the pod if you want. Thank you for reading, listening, or giving me any minutes of your time. It means the world.

This is the realest shit I ever wrote. Talk soon.

Anyway, that's my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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