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2021: the Year of “Normal”?

Alright I’m not going to beat a dead horse here and harp on all the downfalls of 2020. We all fucking lived it. Shit changed quite a bit and gave us not only lessons and experiences but changed the way people behave. I mean, a pandemic changed our whole fucking outlook. If you are one of the people unaffected, well good for you, but most of us had a brand-new world crammed right up our ass.

So, what gives? Yeah, some people’s regular habits changed, so what? Well with any change in the people, business will ultimately be affected and we saw just that in 2020. From the disastrous lows of Q1 and Q2 to the rebuilding taking place in Q3 and Q4. Markets and businesses both fell and rose. So, it begs the question, if 2020 gave the stock market a whole new look, will 2021 bring back a more normal picture that we are use to? It just makes sense that when we go back to a more normal cycle of life, the stocks will also change to a more “normal” picture. The more face to face meetings we have, the less zoom calls we’ll need. The more we go out in public, the less we will choose to look like a human stain and take jeans over sweatpants. So of course, because of this, companies like Zoom and Cisco, like Croc’s and Lulu Lemon, will generate less sales, less revenue, and a smaller customer base. On the other hand, people will go out to see movies, to catch a ball game with their shitty children, to go to a fancy restaurant and cheat on their wife. Because of those “normal activities” we should see a rebuilding in stocks like AMC, like Waste Management, like Coca-Cola, like Iron Mountain and a bunch of other industries and companies that have been removed from our personal ecosystem due to the pandemic.

I don’t want to make any promises and I don’t want to speculate too hard on what will go up or what will go down. I will say that there is a presence of hope and optimism as we turn the chapter and flip the calendar to a new year. People seem more confident in what might come of 2021, which is a good thing. A positive outlook almost certainly points to a positive stock market and business cycle. We will go down again, but that’s the cyclical nature of everything, we have ebb and flow which lets us know we are alive. You appreciate walking on pavement if you haven’t stepped in some shit every now and then. Well, if that is the case then we hiked over a mountain of diarrhea in 2020, so 2021 better be the fucking yellow brick road of years. Confidence is key and an attitude of a better tomorrow, will push us forward to that goal.

Normalcy might just be around the corner, with that, a more regular life cycle and business cycle is on the horizon. Take advantage of the time we have had to plan out what we want out of the new year. You can benefit by keeping your head in the game and a steady hand when it comes to buying or selling. We fucking got this y’all.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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