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Biz Bites N' More

Business, Comedy, and whatever the hell else

Questions about Biz Bites N' More? Email us at, or DM us on Twitter @bizbitesnmore

Disclaimer and the the Biz Bites N' More Podcast are content and media that reflect personal opinions and humor. So most of this is a joke, ESPECIALLY on the twitter machine @bizbitesnmore. The content or messaging is not intended as investment advice, or research, analysis, or anything else of the sort. The content is not intended to be used as advice for investing  or financial gain, and any and all content relating to stocks, markets, investments, etc. are my dumb fucking opinion. When I "talk to the audience" I am not saying hey go buy this, and my intentions are not that either. I mean seriously, how fucking idiotic could you be to hear a fucking podcast or read a fucking blog and think "well golly I should mortgage my house again to invest in that stock" Sir or Ma'am, you are criminally insane, and need help far beyond what you could possibly absorb from my material. Thanks and have a swell day. Or don't, it's your shitty life.

Grayson S.
Founder of dis Bitch!
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